Izumeru - Granado Espada Sea (Steam) - Bible Raid Hard with ChronoQuantum Faction

Izumeru Family - Granado Espada Sea (Steam) - Bible Raid Hard - Executor of Hate

Daily Bible Raid Hard with ChronoQuantum Faction Hi Guys! Welcome and thanks for supporting my channel until this far! Just now i got time to upload the video because i have moved to new house and the internet just got installed here. Thank you to ChronoQuantum Faction helps me do Bible Hard because i never get to do it before, They give me sneakpeak of the raid gg and 5 sariel is so OP there. Thanks to : UzumakiAvenger Family Nhath Family Dorante Family xLynx Family Reidstein Family For letting me join the raid . I'm planning to do Bible hard with Paradox faction too xD Hopefully. Thanks for watching guys! Stay home stay safe! Don't forget to enjoy the game! "the video recorded for fun and enjoyment with me and my friends :) " hope you guys still enjoy the game! do enjoy guys! :D My blog list https://izumerufamilia.blogspot.my/ (Granado Espada for Sea) http://izumeru.blogspot.my/ ( Gunpla / Gundam Custom)
